About GRI
GRI, the Global Re-education Initiative Against Antisemitism, is a brand-new organization that promotes the Jewish identity of the Messiah to uproot Christian anti-Semitism. We do this by educating people with historical, political, and biblical truths. GRI is a branch from the United Nations for Israel.
The United Nations for Israel, a relatively new organization, was formed with the mission to turn nations into Sheep Nations (according to Matt 25:32), one person at a time. The vision of GRI is to defeat Christian anti-Semitism by reclaiming back the Jewish Messiah. GRI seeks to lead nations to practice biblical politics concerning Israel, and domestic moral affairs that keep the Commandments of God.

A new thing
Ministry timeline
1990 – Kad-Esh MAP Ministries
God sent the Jewish apostles Dominiquae and Rabbi Baruch Bierman out from Israel to the nations to preach the original gospel made in Zion. This was when they established Kad-Esh MAP Ministries. MAP stands for “Messianic, Apostolic, Prophetic,” and Kad-Esh means “holy fire” in Hebrew. They have continued preaching the first century gospel for 30+ years in 50 nations and counting.
The early 2000s’ – GRM Israeli Bible School
After creating over 80 TV programs about the original gospel made in Zion, the Bierman’s turned them into a Bible School, GRM — (Global Revival MAP). Countless testimonies to this online Bible School have affirmed its anointed and powerful impact on people worldwide.
2017 – The United Nations for Israel
After the Bible School traveled to many nations in several languages, bringing forth equipped, anointed leaders and disciples, the Bierman’s opened up the United Nations for Israel in 2017, otherwise known as UNIFY. This non-Profit organization seeks to defend Israel biblically and politically, as the current United Nations does not.
2020 – Global Re-education Initiative Against Antisemitism
History continues as our team at the United Nations for Israel continues to work on bringing the best out of GRI. With a fresh wave of anti-Semitism rising, a 32% increase in the USA only in the year 2019(1) had Archbishop Dr. Dominiquae found her latest organization, GRI Against Anti-Semitism. GRI is a promising platform to layout the lies and misconceptions about the Jewish people and Israel and dismantles them with historical and biblical truths.
(1) Belt, Deb. “Extremism, Anti-Semitism In Florida: 68 Incidents In 2019.” Tampa, FL Patch, Patch, 20 Feb. 2020, patch.com/florida/southtampa/extremism-anti-semitism-florida-68-incidents-2019.
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