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- 了解基督教反猶太主義的歷史。
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Frequently Asked Questions
When you purchase the e-book through our website, your account is automatically enabled to take the course. If you purchase the paperback, you will be able to take the course when you receive the book. You can sign into your course account here. Use the same logins you created when checking out. Your email address is your username.
At the bottom of "The Book" page, you will see an option “Reach out to others” to send the book as a gift. Select the gift card amount you would like to send (depending on your situation, see the bullets below). Then type in the email address of the recipient. If you are sending to more than one email, please separate emails with a comma; the quantity will automatically update.
- $17 gives your recipient(s) access to the course and E-Book
- $33 gives your recipient(s) access to the course and paperback book if they are inside the USA
- $39 gives your recipient(s) access to the course and paperback book if they are outside the USA
After you order is processed, the gift card(s) will be sent to the email address(s) you provided. The recipient will need to click the gift card link in that email and proceed creating their account to release their gift and obtaining logins for the course.
After your order, you will receive a confirmation email. Please contact the people you ordered the gift card for and ask them to check their mailbox to find their gift card email. Note: If they cannot find it, ask them to check their junk and spam folders.
If they still cannot find the gift cards email, please notify us via email, and we will assist you.
If you want to share this book far and wide, you have a few options. You can:
- Share our social media posts on our Facebook page GRI Against Anti-Semitism
- Donate the book to your local library(s) so people can read it for free
- Order the book in bulk by emailing
- Reach Out to Others by gifting the book to someone
- Send in a donation or reoccurring donation
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- Click Here for Windows Users
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- Click Here for Apple iPhone Users
Once you have made your purchase of the E-Book, you will be directed to a page that will allow you to download the book. You can also access your download by going to "My Account" and then "Downloads". Then hit the "Download" button next to the E-Book. Once the download is finished, open the book with a software that is able to open the book file (.epub). Here is a list of compatible software’s you can download, depending on your system:
- Click Here for Windows Users
- Click Here for macOS Users
- Click Here for Android Users (if you do not have an iPhone)
- Click Here for Apple iPhone Users
Your donation keeps the mission alive and allows people worldwide to get The Identity Theft and study the GRI Against Anti-Semitism online course. It also allows us to keep the course free for those who order the book, instead of charging them for it. Your donation will go toward:
- Keeping the book circulating worldwide
- Expanding the message about The Identity Theft of the Messiah
- Better production equipment so we can make more captivating content
Supporting our team of dedicated and hardworking volunteers and staff members financially
If you forgot your password: Below the login field when trying to login, click on the button that says, “Lost your Password?” Then enter your email, and we will send you an email to make a new password.
If your forgot your username: Contact so we can help you find the email or username used to make your account.